Journal: Oaxaca
January 13, 2011
To start our day in the cold conditions, my sister and I watched the
1st Harry Potter movie.
Santo Domingo, viewed the gold ceilings and walls and then to the Zocolo, the town square. At the Zocolo, we went in the main church and saw all the sculptures and art work on the walls. Next, we had lunch and went to one of two museums. The first one taught us about the history of humans, our world and Mexico. The second one, teaches us about the three tribes (Zapotecs, Mixtecs and Aztecs) and Mexico's governors and presidents, Porforio Diaz and Benito Juarez, both born and raised in Oaxaca.
I do have to admit it was a long and tiring day but that didn't stop the fun.
January 14, 2011
My favorite part of today was visiting the pottery place and seeing
them make the pitcher.
January 15, 2011
The weirdest part of today was eating grasshoppers that were roasted in chile and lemon in the mescale.
January 16, 2011
This morning, all of us got in the car and drove to a coffee shop (with me as the navigator). Then, we drove to a wood carving place where we viewed around for four hours and ended up with a three headed
The most hilarious part of the day was going to Monte Alban in THE river.
January 17, 2011
were really a piece of junk (but when they did work, they were booming) and then went to a book store where we were looking to buy a book but they were too expensive. Today, again, we went to a place where they carve wood, except that this place I went to was excellent. They actually showed us how to carve, make natural paint, which had very vivid colors, how to fill in cracks in the wood and to paint the beautiful carvings. Later, I got a piece of wood out of the car and the people that showed us how to carve helped me carve a turtle. Then, we went to a weaving market where the people there, again, let me help them weave gorgeous table runners. On the way back, we went to the grocery store and two mescal places.
For sure, my favorite part of the day was getting to carve my own turtle.
January 18, 2011
My favorite part of the day today was going to the town of Mitla were we got to visit more ruins. There were two tombs that you got to go into and see the stone mosaics on the walls.
My favorite part of the whole trip, though, was getting to carve my own turtle out of wood and visiting the amazing ruins in Mitla and Monte Alban.
- Harrison, now back in Huatulco
As I was reading your journal, I tried to guess what your highlights were and was generally correct. What a neat way to describe your journey. I loved reading it; it sounded like such fun and at the same time educational. You are a very interesting writer. Keep it up; it's great...